Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vote for Austin Sass for South Lake Tahoe City Council

The city is a business. The city council is the senior management team. The citizenry are the stockholders.

If you were hiring for the senior management team wouldn’t you want the most qualified, energetic, and passionate individual you could find? An individual who is:

· committed to living and raising a family here
· an active participant in the great recreational opportunities we have
· someone who understands that ultimately, it’s all about the lake, and the surrounding environment
· a business professional who is experience managing and creating large budgets in a wide variety of industries
· an individual who understands the largest driver of our local economy, tourism.
· a supporter of communicating the facts, the metrics, and the truth of what is going on in our town

I am running for city council because I am deeply concerned about the future of South Lake Tahoe. I see the empty stores on highway 50? I hear weekly about our neighbors and friends losing their jobs. I see declining enrollment in our schools because folks are leaving town. If we lose thousands of jobs because tourism wanes, I am concerned that my children won’t be able to come home after college and find work. Is this the future we want?

I have the passion, energy, skills and experience our city needs and it’s Time for a Change!

For more information on my positions on various issues facing our city, log on to

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